Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm - Chapter 35 - FandomFanficionHaven (2024)

Chapter Text

Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm

NTLHOS: Chapter 34: "The Uchiha and the Key Tower"

Author's Note:

Welcome back, dear readers! Thank you for sticking with the story. The concept of the Key Tower was inspired by another fanfic, though I can't recall which one at the moment. If you recognize it, please comment so I can give proper credit. This chapter is 3.5K words long—let me know if you're happy with the length. Also, I've been reading the reviews; I was a bit caught up recently, so I couldn't reply to most of them, but I will be responding shortly in the upcoming chapters. Please like and comment.

Join ThirdFireTriden on Pa(tre) on !

Chapter 35: "Convergence of Fates" IS OUT!

Chapter 36: "The Metamorphosis" IS OUT!

Chapter 37: "Formation of the Outcasts" IS OUT!

Chapter 38: Web of Influence IS OUT!

Chapter 39: Power Shifts and Rising Storms IS OUT!

Chapter 40: Choices? IS OUT!

Chapter 41: Confronting the Snake Sannin IS OUT! (7-8K LONG)

NTLHS Chapter 42: The Fires Of The Uzumaki IS OUT! (7-8K LONG)

NTLHOS: Chapter 43: Mother Daughter Duo IS OUT! (5K)

NTLHOS: Chapter 44 - The Stage Is Set

"A single arrow is easily broken, but not ten in a bundle." – Japanese Proverb

Happy reading!


Last Time on NTLHOS:

By the end of the month, the transformation was evident. The students, once unprepared and undisciplined, now moved with a sense of purpose. Their skills had improved, and so had their understanding of what it meant to be a shinobi. But they still hated Naruto Uzumaki to their core.


In the Meantime

Naruto was having a great time. He slowly realized that he loved teaching, and he could proudly say that all of his students hated him. This unexpected satisfaction filled him with a sense of purpose he hadn't anticipated. Each day, he saw incremental improvements in his students, and though they despised him for the harsh methods, Naruto knew they were becoming stronger shinobi.

He recalled his old ANBU bootcamp instructor, Jackal, who often said that the greatest achievement for a teacher was having their students hate them from their core. At the time, Naruto had dismissed it as the ramblings of a sad*st. Jackal was known for his brutal training sessions that left no room for weakness or mercy. Yet now, standing in the position of an instructor, Naruto began to understand the wisdom behind those words. Hatred wasn't the goal, but a byproduct of pushing someone beyond their limits, forcing them to confront their weaknesses and grow from them.

Over the past month, many things had happened. The most notable event was Naruto's growing acquaintance with the Uchiha Clan, a connection that would have seemed improbable to him just a short while ago. The Uchihas were a powerful and influential clan, known for their exceptional skills and complex internal dynamics.



One evening, after a particularly gruelling day at the academy, Naruto exited the building with a satisfied smile on his face. The rookies had been thoroughly exhausted, and he felt a sense of accomplishment. Suddenly, Shisui appeared out of nowhere, disrupting his plans of a quiet evening spent reading chakra theory.

Naruto sighed, recognizing the mischievous glint in Shisui’s eyes. "What do you want, Shisui?" he asked, already resigned to whatever scheme was about to unfold.

Shisui's smile widened, practically beaming with mischief. "Now, now, Naruto, don’t be like that. Don’t you have time for your old captain anymore? Where’s that adorable kohai who used to hang on every word from my great mouth?"

Before Naruto could respond, Shisui continued with a dramatic flourish, waving his hands theatrically. "I hear there’s a new instructor at the academy putting the kids through some real training. It's about time they stopped teaching those children fairy tales and nonsense. Honestly, if I hear one more tale about a ninja who saves a princess, I might just lose my mind. You should have heard little Sasuke-chan after his first day—he was throwing some of the most creative expletives I've ever heard. Lady Mikoto was absolutely horrified that Sasuke even knew such words. She gave him a tongue-lashing for the history books! I never knew Mikoto still had it in her. It was like witnessing a volcano erupt! I’m pretty sure half the clan heard it too! And Sasuke, poor Sasuke, was left standing there like a deer caught in the headlights. It was priceless!"

Naruto snorted, unable to hide his amusem*nt. "Why are you here, Shisui?"

"I’ve informed Lady Mikoto that you will be accompanying me for a cup of tea at the Uchiha Clan’s manor," Shisui announced with a grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Naruto's eyes widened in surprise. "What?! Why would I be invited by Lady Uchiha, of all people?"

"Oh, you got me wrong," Shisui said, still grinning. "She didn’t invite you. I informed her that you will be coming for tea."

Naruto facepalmed. "Why would you say that? I don’t know a single Uchiha except you."

"That's exactly why you need to socialize better," Shisui replied, raising an eyebrow in mock seriousness and placing a hand dramatically over his heart. "You hardly know anyone, and we Uchihas are the jolliest bunch you can find."

Naruto gave Shisui a skeptical look, one eyebrow raised. "Jolly, huh?"

Shisui nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely! We're practically the life of the village!"

Before Naruto could refute, Shisui grabbed his hand and used the Body Flicker Technique to transport them to the gates of the Uchiha District. Naruto reoriented himself, straightening his clothes.

"I didn’t wear appropriate clothes for the occasion," Naruto muttered.

"Na, you look fine," Shisui waved it off.

As they neared the gates, the guards acknowledged Shisui with a nod but gave Naruto a distrustful look. Naruto quickened his pace to catch up with Shisui and asked, "What’s with them?"

Shisui shrugged nonchalantly. "They get a bit too carried away with their duty. Just smile and wave."

Naruto looked around, taking in the grandiosity of the Uchiha Clan compound. The entrance was flanked by tall, imposing gates made of dark wood reinforced with metal, emblazoned with the Uchiha fan symbol. Beyond the gates, a wide, meticulously maintained pathway led through lush gardens filled with carefully pruned trees and flowering plants that seemed almost too perfect to be real. On either side of the pathway, there were training grounds where Uchiha clan members practiced their techniques, their movements precise and deadly.

The buildings themselves were a blend of traditional architecture and practical design. Dark tiled roofs and wooden beams were juxtaposed with reinforced walls and watchtowers. It was clear that the Uchiha compound was built for both beauty and defense, a testament to their status as warriors.

As they walked through the compound, Naruto noticed the stark contrast between the Uchihas inside and outside. In the village, they were haughty and aloof, but here, they smiled and children laughed. Yet, the moment they saw Naruto walking with Shisui, they returned to their familiar Uchiha mask of stoicism.


Shisui grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Welcome to the heart of the Uchiha Clan, Naruto."

As they entered the manor, the guards gave them a thorough check. Naruto was asked to deposit all his weapons and seals, to which he reluctantly complied. Shisui tried to convince them otherwise, and as the back-and-forth between the guard and Shisui continued, a voice interrupted, "Let them in."

When the group turned, Naruto saw a fair-skinned woman with long, straight black hair that framed her cheeks and deep black eyes. She wore a simple dark purple blouse with a red-plum skirt and a light-yellow apron normally worn over it. There was an air of grace and elegance about her that caught Naruto off guard.

The guards bowed deeply and said, "My Lady!" Naruto, following their lead, also bowed. "Lady Uchiha, an honor," he said respectfully.

She gave a kind smile. "You are Sasuke-chan's instructor, correct?"

"Yes, my lady," Naruto replied.

Mikoto chuckled softly. "No need for formalities. Call me Mikoto."

With that, they moved to the dining room. On the way, Mikoto mentioned, "Any friend of my brother is a friend of mine."

Naruto looked at Shisui in shock. "Brother?"

Mikoto smiled and nodded. "Didn't my dear little brother tell you that we are related?"

Naruto noticed a hint of annoyance on Shisui's face and decided not to dwell on their complex relationship, at least not for now.

Soon, Naruto found himself talking politely with Lady Mikoto, gradually feeling more at ease. As they conversed, Mikoto remarked, "You are hardly three years older than my youngest, but you are very mature for your age. You remind me more of my eldest."

Naruto knew she was referring to Itachi Uchiha, the heir to the Uchiha clan, often Naruto was compared to him in the academy. Mikoto subtly teased Naruto about his love life and crushes, making him blush and stammer.

"So, Naruto," Mikoto asked with a playful glint in her eye, "do you have anyone special in your life?"

Naruto, blushing furiously, replied, "N-No, Lady Mikoto. I don't have time for that kind of stuff."

Mikoto laughed softly. "Oh, come now, there must be someone who has caught your eye. A handsome young man like you surely has admirers."

Naruto fidgeted uncomfortably. "I-I mean, there might be someone, but it's not like that, really."

Before Mikoto could probe further, the sound of feet running down wooden stairs echoed through the manor. Sasuke, looking completely different from the cool Uchiha kid in the academy, appeared.

"Have you put your clothes for laundry, Sasuke?" Mikoto asked.

Sasuke replied nonchalantly, "Later. I have to go play ninja with Nii-san."

Mikoto turned to Naruto. "How impolite of me. This is Sasuke Uchiha, my youngest. And you, of course, know who this is."

Sasuke finally noticed Naruto, his face going pale. He thought in panic, What is the monster doing here? Immediately, he tensed, straightened up, and bowed. "Good evening, Senpai."

Naruto, who had been polite, genial and blushing until then, wore an impassive face. "Rookie, what did I tell you about discipline? You leave laundry thrown all over your room? That is irresponsible and unbecoming of a shinobi."

Sasuke, sweating bullets, stammered, "I-I'm sorry, Senpai. I'll go clean it right away."

"Make sure you take permission from Lady Mikoto before going out," Naruto added sternly.

Sasuke bolted back to his room, and as he ran, he could hear his mother's voice, "Also, make your bed and tidy your cupboard while you're at it, dear."

Shisui, struggling to hold in his laughter, finally burst out. "Man, that was great! I've never seen Sasuke so scared and obedient. I didn't know little Naruto had it in him to be so scary."

Naruto rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a small smile. They continued with their small talk until Itachi arrived.

With a calm and polite demeanor, Itachi asked, "Mother, where is Sasuke? Why is he late?"

Mikoto responded with a gentle smile, "He's just upstairs, Itachi. He was about to play ninja with you but got sidetracked."

Itachi then turned to Naruto, his expression unreadable. "Sorry for my ignorance. I am Itachi Uchiha." Naruto knew that shinobi of Itachi's caliber do not miss anything, and this social trick was likely a formality rather than a genuine introduction.

Naruto stood up and bowed. "Nice to meet you, heir Uchiha."

Itachi nodded politely and continued, "I see. I apologize for the late introduction. It seems Sasuke is keeping you busy."

Naruto, trying to match Itachi's calm demeanor, replied, "He's a spirited one, but he shows promise."

Itachi's eyes softened slightly, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I'm glad to hear that. Please, enjoy your time here. I hope my little brother doesn't give you too much trouble."

Naruto chuckled lightly. "I'll manage, Itachi-san."

Before the conversation could progress, Shisui butted inn, feigning a look of deep hurt. "Ignoring me, Itachi? How cruel of you."

Itachi's impassive face didn't change as he acknowledged Shisui. "I didn't notice you there, uncle."

Shisui broke into a comical tirade. "How many times have I told you not to call me that? I'm hardly seven years older than you!"

Itachi, still unruffled, let Shisui's words wash over him and excused himself to find Sasuke, his movements fluid and graceful. There was an aura of quiet strength around him, a sense of calm authority that was hard to ignore. Naruto watched him leave, feeling a mix of respect and curiosity. Itachi's presence was commanding without being overbearing, a testament to his training and discipline.

As Itachi walked away, Shisui leaned over and whispered, "Charming, isn't he? Always the perfect shinobi."

Naruto nodded, still absorbing the encounter. "He definitely lives up to the reputation."

Mikoto smiled warmly at Naruto. "Itachi has always been mature beyond his years. I'm sure you'll find much in common."

Shortly after that, Naruto left the Uchiha District, his mind buzzing with the day's events and the intriguing dynamics of the Uchiha family.


That was not the last time Naruto ventured into the Uchiha Clan. Often, Mikoto called him to the Uchiha compound, or Shisui dragged him to train in the Uchiha clan training grounds. The Uchiha were very particular about their territory, rarely allowing non-Uchiha to enter, let alone use their training facilities.


One day, while training with Shisui, Naruto encountered Lord Fugaku, an imposing man who scrutinized Naruto with a stern gaze. Fugaku stood tall with a commanding presence, his dark hair pulled back in a traditional topknot. His sharp, angular features and piercing black eyes seemed to see right through Naruto, assessing him with a look that was both critical and curious. Dressed in the customary dark robes of the Uchiha clan, adorned with the clan's fan symbol, Fugaku exuded an air of authority and discipline that made it clear he was a leader both respected and feared. Shisui, a bit more formally, introduced Naruto to Fugaku.

"Lord Fugaku," Shisui began with a respectful bow, "this is Naruto Uzumaki, my former ANBU subordinate and now an instructor at the academy."

Fugaku's eyes narrowed slightly as he looked Naruto over. "Uzumaki, you say? Interesting. I trust you understand the privilege you’ve been granted by training here."

Naruto bowed deeply. "Yes, Lord Fugaku. I am honored and will not take it for granted."

Fugaku gave a curt nod, his expression unreadable. "See that you don't." And with that, he walked away, leaving Naruto feeling a mixture of respect and intimidation.

That was the extent of Naruto’s interaction with Lord Fugaku. However, he also befriended some of Shisui's friends within the clan, like Gengiro Uchiha, Shiro Uchiha, Kageiro Uchiha, Yusato Uchiha, Gen'ya Uchiha, and many other Uchiha. Gengiro was a typical Uchiha—32 years old, high-ranking in the police force, and initially distrustful of Naruto. Over time, however, Gengiro opened up and became as friendly as Shisui. Naruto later learned from Shisui that the Uzumaki Clan was held in high regard by the Uchiha Clan.

By the end of the month, Naruto had become a common sight in the Uchiha compound. The Uchihas appreciated his reserved attitude, and the elders of the clan approved of him. What the Uchiha valued most was his prodigious skill for his age. The Uchiha respected power, and Naruto had it. One day, Gengiro invited Naruto to his home. Shisui had warned Naruto that Gengiro's family were strict traditionalists, and gaining their approval would mean being accepted by most of the Uchiha Clan.


When Naruto arrived at Gengiro’s house, he entered with caution. The house was adorned with tapestries and images of battles fought by the ancestors of the family. In the main hall sat Lord Mahiro Uchiha, a man who made the Third Hokage look young. He was ancient, with deep wrinkles, a long white beard, and milky white eyes that hinted at his fading vision. He wore traditional Uchiha robes, adorned with the clan’s fan symbol, and his stoic presence commanded respect. His vision was blurry, and he had to use his Sharingan to see normally. He was one of the few alive who had served under Madara Uchiha himself.

As he entered the main hall, he saw Lord Mahiro scrutinizing him with his milky white eyes. "Lord Arashi, is that you?" he asked in shock.

Naruto tensed. It was no secret that he was an Uzumaki, but this reaction was unexpected. "No, my lord, I am Naruto Uzumaki," he said, bowing deeply as Shisui had taught him. "It is an honor to be in your presence."

Lord Mahiro activated his Sharingan to see better. "Ah, my apologies. You looked exactly like his Grace when I saw you without my Sharingan. Old age is the bane for all. So you are the friend of my grandson. He has spoken highly of you."

Naruto bowed again. "Lord Mahiro, it is an honor to meet you. I have heard much about your deeds."

Lord Mahiro’s eyes glinted with a mixture of nostalgia and regret. "I am happy to know that the main line of the Uzumaki clan is not dead. When I heard of her demise, I thought the main line was gone. I was a fool. Will you ever forgive me, young Uzumaki? I was naive, repeating the same mistake when she asked me to join her, just as we did when Lord Madara asked us to break away from the village. We refused, and now we are paying for it."

Gengiro, standing beside Naruto, tensed at the mention of treasonous thoughts. Naruto, equally tense, recalled the precarious political situation the Uchiha Clan was in. During their mission in the Mist and after their return, Shisui had confided in him about the growing tensions and suspicions surrounding the Uchiha, a situation that had only worsened by the time they returned to the village. Though Naruto did not fully grasp the entire context or who "she" was, he knew enough to steer the conversation to safer grounds. "Your wisdom and strength are legendary, Lord Mahiro. I am honored to be considered a friend of the Uchiha."

The tension eased, and Mahiro’s expression softened. "You have much to learn, young Uzumaki, but you have a good heart."

In the following days, the rumor spread that Lord Mahiro considered Naruto a friend of the Uchiha and openly welcomed him. People in the compound began speaking to Naruto more openly, laughing and treating him as one of their own. Naruto recalled a lesson from Kosuke about awareness: "Once, Lord First said there is no one who could love more than an Uchiha and no one who can hate more than an Uchiha." Naruto was experiencing this firsthand.

In Naruto's opinion, there were only two people who did not like Naruto coming to the compound or who were distant to him: Lord Fugaku and Itachi. He could understand Fugaku's wariness, but he was puzzled by Itachi’s apparent dislike.


Naruto couldn't meet Kosuke at all during that month, as his schedule was packed. On his off days from the academy, Naruto began taking on a few C-rank missions after his probation was done. During this time, he also reconnected with his old ANBU instructors like Shark, jackal and the chief of the Barrier Corps.

One of his most intriguing discoveries came from his explorations into the Key Tower. This formidable structure, responsible for the village’s barrier and all fuinjutsu matters, held a rich history and played a critical role in Konoha’s defences. The Key Tower was an ancient edifice, constructed shortly after the founding of the village, to serve as both a research facility and a defensive stronghold. Its walls were lined with countless seals and protective barriers, some dating back to the time of the village's founders by Lady Mito Uzumaki. The tower was a testament to the expertise of the Uzumaki Clan in fuinjutsu, a legacy that had been carefully preserved and expanded upon over the years.

Inside the Key Tower, Naruto discovered underground networks of interconnected chambers and hallways, each dedicated to a specific aspect of fuinjutsu research and application. The underground network was far more extensive than the structure above ground, so deep and vast that it was hard to believe anyone could have dug so deep. It was filled with an intricate network of tunnels and caves. There were rooms filled with scrolls documenting ancient sealing techniques, laboratories where new jutsu were being developed, and training areas where shinobi honed their skills in the delicate art of fuinjutsu. It was a place where history and innovation met, a bastion of knowledge guarded by the best minds of the old clans of Uzushiogakure.

Naruto was surprised to learn that many members of the old clans of Uzushiogakure still worked there. These clans had come to Konoha following the destruction of their homeland but had managed to maintain their unique traditions and semi-independence. They had initially worked in the tower under Lady Mito's guidance, and since then, a mutual understanding had been established between the village and the tower. The chief among them was Lord Kammado Shura of the Shura clan. Despite there being a Hokage-appointed leader for the Key Tower, Lord Shura was the unofficial leader, revered and respected by all for his unparalleled knowledge and leadership. The Hokage-appointed leader was not allowed to venture past the second underground level.

Just like with the Uchiha, there was significant tension between the Key Tower and the rest of the village. The clans within the tower were fiercely protective of their autonomy and did not consider themselves part of Konoha but as fulfilling the orders of Lady Mito. This sometimes put them at odds with the village’s leadership, leading to a complex and occasionally strained relationship.

When Naruto introduced himself, the clans within the Key Tower were overjoyed to know that he was safe and alive. They explained that they had tried to communicate with him ever since they learned about his existence following the Daimyo incident, but their efforts had been rebuffed since he had been out of the village for a long time. They welcomed him like a long-lost prince, seeing in him a connection to their lost homeland and a symbol of their enduring legacy.

Naruto spent hours in the tower, absorbing knowledge and learning about the history and functions of this remarkable place. He found himself fascinated by the intricate seals and the advanced techniques developed by the clans. The experience deepened his understanding of fuinjutsu and strengthened his connection to his Uzumaki heritage.


Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm!

Join ThirdFireTriden on Pa(tre) on !

Chapter 35: "Convergence of Fates" IS OUT!

Chapter 36: "The Metamorphosis" IS OUT!

Chapter 37: "Formation of the Outcasts" IS OUT!

Chapter 38: Web of Influence IS OUT!

Chapter 39: Power Shifts and Rising Storms IS OUT!

Chapter 40: Choices? IS OUT!

Chapter 41: Confronting the Snake Sannin IS OUT! (7-8K LONG)

NTLHS Chapter 42: The Fires Of The Uzumaki IS OUT! (7-8K LONG)

NTLHOS: Chapter 43: Mother Daughter Duo IS OUT! (5K)

NTLHOS: Chapter 44 - The Stage Is Set

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Since this is my first fan fiction, I am eagerly looking forward to your thoughts and feedback. Your comments and suggestions are invaluable to me as they will help me improve and grow as a writer. I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Your support means the world to me, and I am grateful for every reader who joins me on this journey.

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Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm - Chapter 35 - FandomFanficionHaven (2024)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Views: 6394

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.