Tipton County Tribune from Tipton, Indiana (2024)

Th Tipton Tribuna, Tuesday, March 9, 1993 PAGE 5 Scoreboard Big 10 standings COM AU 16-1 26-3 133 24-4 11-6 16-10 7 21-7 98 17-0 17-6 7-6 14-11 6-10 14-11 6-10 13-12 3 -14 6-16 2 14 7-18 Minnssota Purdue Michigan Stale Ohio Northwestern Penn B-Cfcwhed shin el Mg 10 1 Maahbum. Kentucky, miry McCaffrey VanderbrM Darnel Mea. Western Kentucky, Wesley Person Auburn. Slacey Poole. Fionda.

James Robinson Alabama, Bob Sura. Florida Sitee Player of the Year Jamei Mashburn Coach of the Year Eddie Fogier Vanderbilt Detect 38 Cory Alexander Virginia Randolph Childress Wake Forest Grant Hil Duke Thomas Hi Dike Bobby Hurley Duke, George Lynch North Carolina, Eric Montrose North Carolina Rodney Rogers Wake Foresi. Kevin Thompson North Carolina State Chris Whitney Player of the Year Rodney Rogers Coach of the Year Dean Smith North Carolina steel 4 Calbert Cheaney Indiana Michael Finley Weoonsm. Juwan Howard Michigan VoshonLenard Mvmeeota Shawn Respert Michigan Sitee Glenn Robinson Purdue Jaien Rose Michigan Deon Thomas IHinoe Nic Van I net nrinnati Chris Webber Michigan Player of the Year Calbert Cheaney Coach ot the Year Bob Knight Indiana Dstect Val Barnes Iowa Anthony Beane Kansas Stale MeNin Booker Missouri Acie an Iowa Terry (vans Oklahoma Adonis Jordan Kansas Ere Piatkowski Nebraska Bryant Reeves Oklahoma Stale Justus Thigpen Iowa Sitee Rex Watters Kansas Honorary Merrtxer Chr Street owa Player of (he Year Bryant Reeves Coach of the Year Eddie Sutton Oklahoma State Deetcl I Will Fiemont Texas Tech Ervin Johnson New Ortetets Marvin Moore Rice Charles Outlaw Houston Anthony Reed Tuiarve Terrence Rencher Texas Brent Scott Ree Rvar Stuart Northeast lousiana NHL lowe 66. Noflhweetom 90 Arizona Ed 0 Bannon UCLA Bennie Settler Washington Stale Steven Smith Arizona State Damon Sioudamre Arizona Player of the Year Chris Mills Coach ot the Year I uie Olson Anzona College Baseball poll DURHAM NC (AP) The top college baseball teams as determined by the staff of Baseball America magazine record through March 8 with previous rank mgs Record Pvs Michigan St.

Indiana (800, Channel 4) Wtecorwto if Iowa Minnesota a Ohio Stale Michigan Mlnoia Thursday's Qawe Penn State Purdue (600. Channel 4) 40 40 Mondays Gem Hartford 4 Quebec 2 Tuesday Games Bosion at Pittsburgh 7 40 Philadelphia at New York Islanders, Los Angeles at New York Flangers Toronio at Washington 7 40 pm Wmnpeg al Tampa Bay 7 40 San Jose at Minnesota. 8 10 pm New Jersey at Vancouver 10 40 pm Wstesedsy Games Hartford at Toronio 7 40 Buffalo at Quebec 7 40 New York Islanders ai Montreal 7 40 Detroit al Edmonton 9 40 pm 7 7 moots at tows Northwestern at Michigan Penn Sum a Michigan State Sunday's Gams Ohio State at Purdue Indians a Wisconsin 1 Georgia feh 2 Texas 3 Msss()pi Slaie 4 Louisiana Stale 6 Oklahoma Stale 6 1 LA 7 Cai Si ulienon 8 Texas AA 14 1 20 6 i 6 3 7 1 '0 3 8 8 7 2 Philadelphia 20-37 35t 19 Washrtglon 16-40 286 2212 Csntal Dvfteon Chicago 40-18 690 Cleveland 3971 650 2 Chartotla 31 26 544 812 Indiana 2 30 492 1112 Atlanta 26 31 .475 1212 Detrot 25-32 439 14 12 Milwaukee 23 35 397 17 WESTERN CONFERENCE Ml Mast Division W-L Pel G9 Houston 37 21 838 San Antonio 36 21 63? 12 Utah 34 26 576 312 Denver 24 34 414 13 Minnesota 14 41 255 211? Dallas 4 52 07 1 Pacific Otaaon Phoenix 43 1 3 768 Semite 40 18 690 4 Portland 34 21 618 812 LA Lakers 3G26 536 13 LA Clippers 29 30 492 151 2 Golden State 25 34 424 191 Sacramento 18-40 3 10 26 Mondsy's Games Indiana 105 Seattle 99 Atlanta LA Clippers "3 Cleveland 122 Denver 107 New York 109 Orlando 107 OT Phiiade0hia 92. Minnesota 83 Tuesday Gsmss Washington at Charlotte 7 30 LA Lakers at Deiroii 7 30 pm Seattle at Chicago 7 30 Atlanta at Milwaukee 8 30 Miami at Houston 6 30 Danas ai San Antonio 8 30 pm Minnesota ai Utah 9pm Phoenix al Sacramento 10 30 pm Wednesdays Games Indiana at Orlando 7 30 I A Lakers at New York HO pm Boston ai Philadelphia 7 30 Denver at Washington 730 pm Portland te Dallas 0 30 Gokten Stale ai Phoenix 9 30 pm New Jersey at LA Clippers 0 30 pm Pacers vs. SuperSonics SEATTLE (-Kerrp 5-1268 10 McKey 5 13 2 3 Ce 6 8 00 12 Payton 17 00? Pierce 1 1 0-0 10 Johnson 4 13 0 0 8 McMillan 4 10 1110 Perkins 6 9 Mil Banos 6 130-0 14 Askew 0 0 2 PaddroO 2 2 2 2 Toiata 41 96 7 99 MIX ANA (106) Davis 6 9 i 2 13 Schrempf 6 IS 17 19 29 Smrts 7 17 34 17 Miller 6 14 2 3 18 Richardson 5 10 24 Fleming 2 5 24 6 McCloud 0 2 1 1 Thompson 0 1 0-0 0 Mriche 0 1 0 0 0 Williams 4 7 1 4 9 Totals 36 81 294? 05 testes II 24 Mteie 31 2 77 73-106 3 Pomi goals Setehe 3 12 (Barros 2 4 McMillan 1 Paddo 0 i McKey 0 2 Pierce Johnson 0 2) Indiana 4 7 (Miller 4 6 Schrempi 0 i) Fouled out Kerr) Rebounds Seattle 52 (Kemp 9) Indiana 66 (Schrerrpf 1 9) Assets Seattle 22 (McMillan 5) Indiana 26 (Richardson 10) Total lout- Sean I 31 Indiana 15 Technicals Payton Seattle illegal defense A 10519 Big 10s Top Scorers Nap Trs.

Pis. 1 Cabefl Cheaney. Indiana 90-83 2.466 2 Qian Rios. Michigan 86-89 2.442 3Mfc McGee. Michigan 7fr8i 2.439 4 Steve Afford.

Indiana 687 2.436 5.Rkfc Mount, Purdua 66-70 2.323 6.Steve Sfrtth, Mich St 86-91 2.263 7 Gary Grant. Michigan 8586 2.22 2 8 Don Schulundt, Indiana. 62 56 2.192 0 Joa Barry Carroll, Purdue 77 80 2 175 tO.Cazite Russel. Michigan 64 06 2 164 ClnctrmaU 6. Detroft 4 St Louis 4.

Toronto 3. 1 1 innings Cleveland 9, Houston 5 New York Yankees 2, Montreal 0 San Diego 5, Colorado 4 Milwaukee 6. San Francisco 3 Chicago Cuba (ss) 1. Oakland (ss) 0 te land (ss) 4. Chicago Cubs (ss) 1 CeJiomta 9.

Seattle 8 Tas (ss) 7. Boston 1 New York Mite 7. Atlanta 6 Tuesday's Gases New York Mats vs Atlanta at West Palm Beac. 1 05 p.m Florida (ss) vs Los Angelas te Varo Beach, Fla 1 05 Cincinnati vs St Louis St Petersburg. Fla 1 05 Toronto (ss) vs Detroit te Lakeland Fla.

105pm Kansas Crty vs Houston (ss) at Kissimmee Fla 105 pm Montreal vs New York Yankees ai Fort Lauderdte Fla. 105 pm Pttsburgh vs Boston at Fori Myers. Fla. 1 05 Baltimore vs Philadelphia at Clearwater, Fla 1 05 Houston (ss) vs Fbr1da(ss)ai Cocoa, Fla. 105 pm Minnesotavs Texas te Port Chartotta.

Fla i-OSpm Cleveland (ss) vs Toronto (ss) ai Dunedin Fla 1 35 pm Seattle vs Milwaukee te Chandler Aru 3 05 Colorado (ss) vs California (ss) ai empe Am 305 Callomia (ss) vs Colorado (ss) at Tucson An? 305 Chicago Cubs vs San Francisco al Scottsdale Ary 305 Chicago White Sox vs Cleveland (ss) Winter Haven, Fla 7 35 Oteitand vs San Diego ai Yuma Ary 905 Wedneedays Games Chicago White Sox vs Cleveland (ss) te Winter Haven Fla 105 pm Houston vs Cmannai te Plant Cy Fla 1 05 Boston vs Minnesota ai Fort Myers Fla 105pm Florria vs Detroit at Lakeland Fla '05 pm New York Yarkees vs Atlanta at Weei Palm Beach la 106 pm Kansas City vs Los Angeles ai Vero Beach Fla 105 pm Montreal vs New York Mets ai Port Si Luoe 1 '0 Philadelphia vs Toronio at Dunedin Fla t35pm St ouis vs Texas te Port Chancre Fia 1 35 Oakland (ss) vs San Dwgo at Yum An 305pm Milwaukee vs Colorado te ucson Ary 3 06 San ranee (ss) vs Oakland (ss at Phoenix 306 California vs Chicago Cubs at Mesa Ary 305pm Seattle vs San France (ss) at Snsdale Ary 306 pm Pittsburgh vs Baltimore ai Si Petersburg ia 7 05 College All-District Teams ROCHE STE Mmn AP) The 1992 93 A D-smct men basketball teams selected by me Unxed States Basketball Writers Association Dated 1 Vn Baker Hartford Eddw Benion Vermont Scon Burrell Connecix.ui Bril Curley Boston Cortege DonyeB Marshall onnecucui Jerry McCullough Pittsburgh Aaron McKie Temple Louis Roe Massachusetts Michae Smith Providence Harper Williams Massachusetts Player of ihe Year Vn Bakei Coat of the Year John aipan Massachusetts Dt 3 Keth Bulky Manhattan Davrt Cam Si Johns Brian Clifford Nagara Y.nha Da'e George Washington Terry Dehers Sefon Hall Spencer Dunkley Deiaware OtheUa Harrington Georgetown Artu'as Kamishovas Seton Ha 1 awrence Mown Syracuse Dame Suber Ride' Fhaye of the Year Terry Dehere Coach of the Year Brian Mahoney St Johns Dwtect 3A Travis Best Georgeia Tech Andernee Hardaway Memphis Slate Allan Houston Tennessee Jamal College Basketball COMING SOON to Carter's Tipton Mall HOW TOP FARED 1 3 New Orleans (26-3) lost to Western Kentixy 72-63 17 Iowa (20-8) beat Northwestern 56-50 20 Massachusetts (22-6) beat Rhode bland 76 50 SOOTH Benedict 73. Barber Scotia 68 SOUTHWEST Oklahoma Baptist 70. Oklahoma Chratian 64 Oklahoma Cy 102. Cantral 73 New Mexico 76 Wayland Baptist 74 TOURNAMENTS 10 ROUTE 28 EAST Famous Brand Candies at Great Everyday Prices! Massachusetts 76. Rhode island 50 Terrpte 71.

Si Josaphs 80 rt cite Aftelc Aseedeien East Carolina 64 Jamas Madison 49 ChcaWonaMp Manhanan 88. Niagara 67 MM-Csndrwnt Csntsrsnss til -Chicago 96 Cleveland St 66 Wright St 62. Vatwaeo 7 2 Mseort Vtetey Csntesnos Exhibition Baseball Moots 70 IHnots St 90 NAM Detect 17 Akansa Tech 79. Henderson St 63 of the Ozarks 64 Arkansas Colt 56 NAIA Detect ChsmpisnteiW Kennesew 90 Berry 70 NAIA Detect 30 ChemptentetW Spring H8I 66. Xavier NO 61 NAM Dieteet 4 AMERICAN LEAGUE New York Texas Caflomia Milwaukee Oakland Baltimore Chicago Detroit Minnesota Boston Cleveland Seanta Toronto Kansas Cly 4 0 4 1 3-1 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 03 03 04 Schreiner 84.

St Edwards Texas 74 NAIA Detect NATIONAL LEAGUE WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING YOU are important at Si Lous Florida Colorado Montreal Phitadethia Chicago Pittsburgh Oncmnai Houston New York San Diego LOS Angelas Atlanta San France 3 0 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 03 04 LARGE BASEBALL CARD AUCTION Ramada Inn Kokomo THURSDAY FEBRUARY 25th 7 P.M. Midwestern St. Texas 95 Lubbor Chnstian North Afesnke Cantesnes Ssmtfbsis Deiaware 64 Northeastern 61 Drexei 91. Hartford 80 lim Set Certtesncs Chsmteontetp Kentucky 72 New Orleans 83 Weal Csssi CsHmance OwatesnNp Santa Clars 73. Pepperdrw 83 NBA standings EASTERN CONFERENCE ABsade ONteoa W-L Pci New York 39 18 664 New Jvtey 33 25 569 6' Boston 32 28 552 71? Orlando 26 28 500 lOl? Miami 24 32 429 141? It's a Spring Thing.

Look for the Minnesota (ss) 11 Texas (ss) 6 Los Angetee 3 Florida 2 Baltimore 4 Kansas Cly 0 Pltsburgh 7 Philadelphia 0 Chicago Whm Sox 11 Minnesota (ss) 6 COMING SOON to Carter's Tipton Mall ROUTE 28 EAST iC i to be published mr hoods The Best Name Brands in Insect Control at Great Everyday Prices! th MARCH 24 VSDT ttPTLLCVT wy IN Tribune ohnsonoom Tipton County at Advertisers: Deadline is March 11th WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING YOU are important at i.

Tipton County Tribune from Tipton, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.